Photography 101

Anyone who wants to get into photography whether professionally or for fun will find this series useful. There is a lot to know when shooting in different conditions. I will put these up for anyone interested in learning or sharpening their skills.

Photography 101
  • Rookie Photographer Blunders
    Some of these “blunders’ I have talked about in previous article and some are new. This article is to sum them all up and put them on one page. I will have links where to other articles covering the topic I’m talking about. Here We Go The Rule of Thirds is a fundamental concept in … Read more
  • Understanding Light
    Light is the beating heart of photography. It’s not simply a component of the picture. It is the picture. Without it, your canvas is blank, a stark void waiting for illumination. That is why understanding light is so important. Every photograph tells a story, and light plays the lead role in this narrative. How you … Read more
  • What Is Depth Of Field
    As a new photographer, you’ve certainly heard about “depth of field,” but what does it mean? It’s a concept that points to the range of distance within a photo that appears acceptably sharp. Essentially, it determines how much of your image remains in focus from the front to the back. This is more than just … Read more
  • Common Mistakes To Avoid
    You might think diving into photography is as simple as pointing your camera and pressing a button, but there’s a rich tapestry of knowledge just waiting to be uncovered. I remember when I first picked up a camera, excited by the promise of capturing the world through my lens, only to realize there was more … Read more
  • Rule Of Thirds
    Photography is an art that beautifully blends creativity with technical skill. One fundamental concept every budding photographer should grasp is the rule of thirds. This simple yet powerful guideline can significantly enhance your photographic compositions, making your images more engaging and aesthetically pleasing. In this article, I will explain what the rule of thirds is, … Read more
  • Understanding Shutter Speed
    Shutter speed is one of the fundamental aspects of photography that every aspiring photographer must understand. It plays a critical role in determining the exposure and artistic effect of your images. In this article, I am going to explain what shutter speed is, how it is measured, and how it impacts your photographs. I will … Read more
  • Understanding Aperture
    Photography is a captivating blend of artistry and technical precision. One of the fundamental elements that can significantly enhance your photographic skills is understanding and mastering aperture. In this comprehensive article, I will explore what aperture is, how it is measured, and the profound impact it has on your photographs. Additionally, I will provide practical … Read more
  • Understanding ISO
    Photography is a fascinating blend of art and science, and understanding the technical aspects of your camera can dramatically improve your ability to capture stunning images. One of the key components in photography is ISO, which plays a critical role in determining the exposure and quality of your photographs. This guide will explain what ISO … Read more
  • Understanding Camera Settings
    You bought your first “real” camera and now you’re ready to go out and grab some awesome pictures. The only problem is when you look at your camera there are a bunch of buttons/dials and you have no idea what they do or mean. To make matters worse when you “Google” it , the language … Read more