About Me

Selfie at Lake Meredith

I have always loved taking pictures. At every gathering, family trip, or just a simple trip to a park I was always the one with some kind of camera. The technology has sure changed over the years but my love of photography has only increased.

My Story

In 2016 I retired from my job as a fleet service supervisor, sold everything and hit the road full-time in an RV. I had actually owned an RV before and loved it but sold it due to life’s happenings. In 2015 my wife and I purchased another RV and on weekends that we had off from our jobs we went to different campgrounds. With all the hustle and bustle of work and life in general I had forgotten how much I really liked being in nature.

I booked as many camping trips as I could throughout the 2015 season before having to winterize it and put it away in storage for the winter. Each camping trip I would submerse myself in nature with my camera and capture the beauty of the area I was in.

My Retirement Gift: To Myself

In 2016 after many long discussions with my wife, I decided I was going to retire towards the end of the year and we would start living in our RV on a full-time basis. Again, I booked as many trips as possible during the 2016 season as I could while finishing my final months of work. In October 2016 after 23 years of working as a fleet supervisor, I retired. I bought myself a zoom lens for my Canon Rebel as a retirement gift to myself.

From 2016 to 2022 I lived in my RV with my wife, visited many states throughout the United States, and have taken thousands of photos. As I moved around from state to state I realized just how much beauty was out there. I thought to myself, “I’m going to need a bigger SD card”.

Settled In Florida

Although I no longer full time in an RV and have settled in Florida, I still love to travel usually staying in campground cabins as I still love the campground atmosphere. I have acquired quite the collection of nature landscapes and animals over the 6.5 years of full timing in an RV. I continue to capture the beauty that this world offers in both landscape and wildlife photos and have decided to share them with you.

I do not “over edit” my photos as I think nature should be left as is. Anyone can use AI to make photos. I enjoy the real deal. I hope you enjoy the raw nature and beauty of these photos as much as I do.